Panorama Villas are situated in the North West side of Corfu at Arillas only a few minutes walking distance from the sandy beach Arillas wide bay and the crystal clear waters of the Ionian Sea The villa sleeps up to 6 with 3 bedrooms all spacious and . . .
Descriere Construit in stil arhitectural tipic mediteranean acest decor asemanator satului ofera camere duble in stil boutique camere de familie si apartamente cu doua dormitoare Un restaurant tip bufet doua baruri o piscina cu jacuzzi si divertismen . . .
Situat la nord-est de orasul Corfu din Barbati intr-unul dintre cele mai pitoresti sate de pe insula Corfu Hotelul Pantokrator este situat la poalele impresionantului Munte Pantokrator acest hotel elegant ofera un amestec fin de design modern cu stil . . .
Welcome to Pantokrator Hotel Situated northeast of Corfu town in Barbati in one of the most picturesque villages on the island of Corfu the Pantokrator Hotel is set among the foothills of the impressive Pantokrator Mountain This specific part of the . . .
Descriere Acest hotel are 60 de camere confortabile si este amplasat intr-o gradina spatioasa cu o piscina mare cu vedere la Golful Kommeno Sunt oferite sezlonguri si umbrele de soare gratuite Toate camerele au vedere la gradina baie privata cu dus s . . .
Amplasat intr-o gradina de maslini si palmieri Paradise Hotel Corfu ofera camere cu aer conditionat si balcon mobilat Are o piscina mare cu vedere la golful Kommeno Camerele Hotelului Paradise sunt spatioase si sunt dotate cu TV prin satelit si uscat . . .
Welcome to the beautiful surroundings and friendly atmosphere of the Paradise Hotel Corfu where Sun Sea and new experiences await Located just 500m from the sea this popular 3 hotel built in an ancient olive grove has panoramic views of the Ionian Se . . .
Paradise Inn Hotel a member of Across Hotels Resorts is situated in the northwestern part of Corfu and within easy reach of the famous seaside resort of Paliokastritsa -it is surrounded by olive groves and lush verdant hills Respecting the cultural . . .
DescriereHotelul Paradise Inn face parte din grupul Across Hotels Resorts fiind situat in partea de nord-vest a insulei Corfu si inconjurat de plantatii de maslini LocalizareFiind inconjurat de sate traditionale hotelul se afla la aproximativ 20 de . . .